Hyper-personalization works for you...

As a Publisher, isn’t the successful monetization of user engagement your main currency? Then you need hyper-personalization (understanding the customer’s interests, anticipating their needs and identifying their circumstances) for your long term success. In a business where even modest improvements in engagement can have a dramatic impact on your bottom line, personalization and contextualization are crucial.

...and your bottom line

Knowing a user’s interest helps increase the relevance of an engagement, thereby increasing its value. Knowing a user’s context helps increase the likelihood of engagement, thereby improving performance.

What can Anagog do?

We help segment audiences based on behavior, creating highly focused audiences for 3rd parties. The campaigns can be triggered at different ‘moments of delight’, each one with its own value.

Use Cases

Users who frequently visit Brand X locations


When the users are at Home, during their evening browsing time.

My Publisher App

Get the latest fashions from Brand X
Visit the online store now!


Users who go to Health Food stores and Wellness locations, and exercise regularly


After they have gotten onto the bus or train

My Publisher App

Read the latest on the latest Health Diet!
Stay tuned for all latest news


Users who work long hours and spend their weekends outdoors


When they are at home in the morning on weekends

My Publisher App

Gear up for the holiday weekend with next day delivery!

Delight customers by addressing them individually.

Anagog helps create mass engagement, one targeted group at a time.
About Anagog